Feline Adoption Contract
I ____________________________________________________________________
(Email address) _____________________________________________________________
(telephone number) ______________________________________________________
am adopting a homeless cat/kitten named________________________ from Delaware Puppy Rescue, Inc. (herein called DPR).
Delaware Puppy Rescue, Inc will deliver custody and possession of this animal to owner on the condition that owner will comply with all of the following:
If adopting a kitten under five months of age that is unaltered, owner agrees to have kitten altered by six months of age and provide proof of altering to DPR. Ownership of the kitten is not transferred to adopters until proof of altering has been provided to DPR.
Email: DelawarePetRescue@gmail.com
Your cat/kitten is altered _______ Your kitten is due for altering by: ______________
Adopter's Initials: ____________
- If, for any reason, owner should not be able to keep this cat, owner is obligated to contact DPR. Owner may NOT release ownership of this animal to any other person or agency without consent from DPR.
- To keep this animal as a house pet and companion and to keep the cat INDOOR ONLY.
- To NEVER DECLAW the cat, and to recognize that declawing consists of painful amputations of the third phalanx up to the last joint of each toe which can cause serious physical, psychological and behavioral complications.
- To provide proper food, shelter, water and humane treatment for this animal at all times.
- To make every effort to recover a lost animal, and to immediately notify DPR in the event the animal is lost.
- To immediately procure veterinary care, if the animal is sick or injured, and obtain all necessary inoculations annually.
- To keep a safety break-away cat collar and identification tag with current phone numbers on the cat at all times, and to Microchip the animal and keep the corresponding contact information up to date.
- To license the cat according to state and local laws and ordinances.
- To properly restrain the cat using a secured crate when transported in any vehicle.
- There will be no refunds of adoption fee or expenses incurred by owner from DPR after possession has been taken.
- Owner understands that DPR makes no representation, warranty, or guarantee as to the size, health or disposition of any cat. Any known health issues will be noted on the “Medical Records” form.
I understand that by signing this contract, I am taking sole responsibility of the rescue animal. Delaware Puppy Rescue is not liable or responsible for any damage to persons or property once this contract is signed. I am signing and adopting the animal of my own free will and not under duress of any kind. If the animal is being neglected or abused, Delaware Puppy Rescue reserves the right to reclaim the animal immediately.
My signature below verifies that I have read and agreed to all the conditions and terms outlined in this contract.
Applicant ______________________________________ Date ________________
Rescue Official _________________________________ Date ________________