Guinea Pig Adoption Contract
I ____________________________________________________________________
(Email address) _____________________________________________________________
(telephone number) ______________________________________________________
am adopting a homeless guinea pig named________________________ from Delaware Pet Rescue, Inc. (herein called DPR).Delaware Pet Rescue, Inc will deliver custody and possession of this animal to owner on the condition that owner will comply with all of the following:
- If, for any reason, owner should not be able to keep this guinea pig, owner is obligated to contact DPR. Owner may NOT release ownership of this animal to any other person or agency without consent from DPR.
- Owner acknowledges the right of any officer or agent of DPR to immediately remove the animal from the owner’s premises if any of the following conditions or promises is violated.
Owner promises:
- To keep this animal as a house pet and companion and to keep the guinea pig INDOOR ONLY.
- To provide proper fresh food (pellets, hay and fruit/vegetables), shelter, water and humane treatment for this animal at all times.
- To give the guinea pig play and exercise time in a safe environment.
- To never physically abuse the guinea pig or allow another person or animal to do so. To supervise children while playing with this guinea pig.
- To make every effort to recover a lost animal, and to immediately notify DPR in the event the animal is lost.
- To immediately procure veterinary care, if the animal is sick or injured, or to immediately return the animal to DPR.
- To use a secured crate when transporting the guinea pig in any vehicle.
- There will be no refunds of adoption fee or expenses incurred by owner from DPR after possession has been taken.
- Owner understands that DPR makes no representation, warranty, or guarantee as to the size at maturity, health or disposition of any dog, cat, rabbit or guinea pig because DPR is uncertain of its background. DPR inquires of known owners whether their animal bites, otherwise DPR makes no representation, guarantee or warranty that the animal does not bite. Owner also understands that the guinea pig has displayed no evidence of illness or health problems during its stay with DPR, unless indicated in the "Medical History Form" if so noted.
I understand that by signing this contract, I am taking sole responsibility of the rescue animal. Delaware Pet Rescue is not liable or responsible for any damage to persons or property once this contract is signed. I am signing and adopting the animal of my own free will and not under duress of any kind. If the animal is being neglected or abused, Delaware Pet Rescue reserves the right to reclaim animal immediately.
My signature below verifies that I have read and agreed to all the conditions and terms outlined in this contract.
Applicant ______________________________________ Date ________________
Rescue Official _________________________________ Date ________________